Cherishing Our Elders

by Emilia Castelletti, SND on November 12, 2014

in Uncategorized

articleI recently used this article with my junior Theology students at Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin (NDCL) to discuss values and attitudes of the Catholic Church as portrayed in the media. We all agreed that this article was a positive image of the Church, in respecting not only the beginning of life issues, but also those dealing with the end-of-life.  Some student comments:

  • We need more voices to speak up, shine a light on the issues, advocating for the elderly in our society.
  • No one is worthless; everyone has a purpose.
  • The Pope showed great humility and compassion for others; he did this out of the love in his heart.
  • The elderly are an important asset to society, the people who taught us best.
  • Families have special bonds and love each other; they show the closeness of God’s family, whom He loves dearly.

In a month when we celebrate giving thanks for our many graces and blessings, we should certainly include those who have been wisdom figures for our lives. Grandparents come in many forms: our own family members, neighbors, friends and mentors, still living or from a bygone era.

Perhaps today, we can find or make time to contact one of our cherished elders, to brighten their day, to help them realize how much we value them, to thank them for transmitting to us “wisdom and faith, the most precious heritage.”

Sister Emilia  Castelletti, SND is a theology teacher at Notre Dame Cathedral Latin High School in Chardon, OH.  


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Donna Paluf November 13, 2014 at 3:18 pm

Thanks, Emilia, for a good reminder and reflection. Too often impatience comes first, before valuing the wisdom we can glean from our elders.


Lisa Novak November 17, 2014 at 3:32 pm

Fine article, Emilia. Youth can be so gentle and caring with our elderly and nowadays their families are lucky enough to have them still with them. I would imagine they have many elderly neighbors as well. Good work!


Bridget November 26, 2014 at 10:02 pm

Thank you and yes I did, a elderly Family frieend(s), just a phone call made a difference.


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